Sunday, July 8, 2012

The rose (The queen of flowers)

10:38 PM |

The rose is a beautiful flower. It is very nice to look at. It gives us sweet smell. There are many kinds of roses. Some are white , Some are red and some are pink. The rose is called the queen of flowers. All like rose.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The most popular drinks (Tea)

9:51 PM |

Now-a-days if one is asked to name some of the most popular drinks, one is likely to tea of tea first. It is very refreshing and invgiorating. It is really a good stimulant. It is undoubtedly, the most frequently used drink of the modern time,

Tea plants grow well on the hilly regions, where rain water does not stand. Tea grows in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Indonesia and India in plenty. In Bangladesh tea mainly grows in Sylhet and Chittagong.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Live Alon

9:37 PM |

A long time ago in a small village near the jungle, there lived a young man called Ruplal. He lived with his family and worked on a farm, but there were a lot of problems.
The village people were always quarrelling, so there was no peace. I’ ll wither have to go and live and alone in the jungle, or I’ II go completely mad!’’ Ruplal exclaimed. ‘‘I don’t want to stay here one more day!’’ So he colleted his things and went to live by himself in the jungle.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

9:35 PM |

Once there was a young boy called Aladdin.He lived with his mother in a rich city of China. His father was a poor tailor.He died when Aladian was a child.His mother had to spin cottonto support the family.

One day Aladdin was playing in the street.All of a sudden, a stranger came. He said to Aladidn, My boy , are you son of Mustafa, the tailor ?''Aladdin said, ''Yes , sir, but my father is dead.''At this tears came into the man's eyes. He said, I'm your uncle. Your father was my elder brother,''He gave Aladin two pieces of gold. He said, ''Go and tell your mother to cook some food. We will eat together.''Aladin's mother was surprised. She did not know Aladdin's father had a brother. But she cooked a good dinner. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Farmer and the Magic Goose

9:27 PM |

Once upon a time, there lived a poor farmer named Abul Mia. He lived in a village. He grew vegetables and sold them in the market. But the money he got was not enough. One day he bought a goose. He thought, ‘‘I’ ll sell eggs and earn some money. Then with that money, I’ ll buy some more geese. I can earn more money by selling more eggs’’. He  kept the goose inside his room . It was a magic goose. Next morning, Abul Mia saw a gold egg beside
the goose. He was very happy. ‘‘I don’t have to worry any more. Now I can buy enough food for all of us.’’ From the on everyday the goose laid a gold egg. Abul Mia sold it in the market at a good price. Soon he became rich. He bought a big house. He lived there with his wife and children. They had good food to eat. They had fine clothes to wear.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

An Ideal Son

5:23 PM |

Bustam is a province of Central Asia. Hazrat Bayazid was born in Bustam. So, he was popularly known as Hazrat Bayazid Bustami (R). His parents were pious Muslims.He lost his father in his childhood.So he could mot get love and affection of father from his early age. He respected and loved his mother very much. Hazrat Bayazid received his early education in a Madrasha. He was very fond of reciting the Holy Quran. Once he came home to see his mother. Then his mother was ill.

Sheikh Saadi and The Robbers

4:46 PM |

Sheikh Saadi was a great poet in Iran. When he was a child, his mother wanted him to be educated. So she wanted to send him to Baghdad. One day during his boyhood he was going to Baghdad with a group of rich merchants. He was carrying a bundle of books and some money with him. The marchants took responsibility to take him to Baghdad where Sheikh Saadi would stay and get education. Then he would become a scholar. However the caravan of the merchants and traders was going to Baghdad fearlessly. They traveled for twelve days without any trouble. On the thirteenth day a gang of robbers attacked the caravan. The merchants had their valuable articles , gold , diamonds , and other thins .They had also a lit of money with them. The robbers snatched away all the goods and money from the marchants. Sheikh Saadi stood on the corner. 

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