Wednesday, December 14, 2011

An Ideal Son

5:23 PM |

Bustam is a province of Central Asia. Hazrat Bayazid was born in Bustam. So, he was popularly known as Hazrat Bayazid Bustami (R). His parents were pious Muslims.He lost his father in his childhood.So he could mot get love and affection of father from his early age. He respected and loved his mother very much. Hazrat Bayazid received his early education in a Madrasha. He was very fond of reciting the Holy Quran. Once he came home to see his mother. Then his mother was ill.

One night the boy Bayazid was learning his lessons at home. His sick mother was sleeping nearby . At midnight she became thirsty and woke up. She raised  her head and ashed Bayazid to give her a glass of water. Hearing it Bayazid went to the jar. There was no water in the jar. He found no water anywhere in the house .He went to the next house for water. All his neighbours were sleeping in the mid night. As a gentle boy he did not like to disturb the people. So he went a jar. The well was a long distance from his house . Her filled the jar with water.

   He came back with water shortly.He  went to his thirsty mother with a glass of water. But he found that she had fallen asleep again. She was sleeping deeply. He thought that if he called his mother and woke her up, it would be disobeying to her . Besides, it might carse harm to her health. He also thought that as soon as she woke up,he might give her water. Thanking so he stood by her bed with the glass of water in his hand. His mother woke up some hours later. It was about morning.She was surprised to find her obedient son still standing by her bed. Her joy knew no bounds. She was highly pleased at her son’s ideal deed. She prayed to almighty Allah raising her hands. If mother becomes pleased with her son. Allah will become pleased with him. She also prayed that Allah might be pleased with her ideal son and make him a great man in the world.

The earnest prayer of the pious happy mother did not go in a vain. In course of tine the ideal boy, Bayazid became a famous saint in the world. The world’s famous saint Bayazid Bastami (R) died with the holy name of Allah on his lips. Mother’s prayer never goes in vain.    


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