Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp

9:35 PM |

Once there was a young boy called Aladdin.He lived with his mother in a rich city of China. His father was a poor tailor.He died when Aladian was a child.His mother had to spin cottonto support the family.

One day Aladdin was playing in the street.All of a sudden, a stranger came. He said to Aladidn, My boy , are you son of Mustafa, the tailor ?''Aladdin said, ''Yes , sir, but my father is dead.''At this tears came into the man's eyes. He said, I'm your uncle. Your father was my elder brother,''He gave Aladin two pieces of gold. He said, ''Go and tell your mother to cook some food. We will eat together.''Aladin's mother was surprised. She did not know Aladdin's father had a brother. But she cooked a good dinner. 
 The stranger came to Aladin's house at night.He brought some fruits and sweets with him. The stranger asked Aladin what he did for a living.Aladdin was silent. Because he did not do anything. So the stranger said, ''You must do something to earn a living. I willbuy a shop for you. You will sell linen there.'' The mother was very pleased to hear all this.'' Thank you for your kindness,'' She said to the stranger.The stranger was really a magician. He had a plan. Next day he took Aladin far away from the city. They came to a narrow valley.
It had mountains on all sides. The magician told Aladin to gather some dry sticks. He e then set fire to them. The flame arose. He took out something from his pocket. Then he put it into the fire.
He spoke two magic words. They saw a big stone with a brass ring. He told Aladdin to hold the ring and lift the stone. They saw a staircase leading to a door. The magician then said,'' Go downstairs acd open door. You will find big halls.In this halls,there are vases full of gold and silver. Do not touch them. Just go ahead. You will find a garden.There you can see a lamp. Bring me the lamp. Go !''
Aladdin did as his uncle told hin. In the gardwn, he saw rich jewele hanging in the trees. Aladin took some and put them in his pocket. He also took the lamp. Soon he came back at the mouth of the cave.

The magiciam was waiting for him. He told Aladin to give him the lamp. But Aladdin was tired. So he said,''
Please, sir, pull me up first.  Then I will give you the lamp .'' The magician was very angry. He spoke two magic words and the door of the cave was closed.

Aladin was alone. It was dark inside the cave. He called the magician. There was no answer.Aladdin was afraid. He began to pray.He rubbed the ring. I will obey you.What do you want ?''

Aladdin was very hungry. But there was no food in the house. Aladdin asked his mother to sell the lamp. The lamp was dusty.So she began to rub it. At once another big genie was there. It said, '' I am the genie of the lamp. I obey him who holds it. What do you want ?'' Aladdin said, '' Bring us some food!''

The big genie vanished. After sime time it came back with a silver tray on his head. There were two silver plates, two silver cups, twelve silver dishes full of nice food. After this whenever they were hungry or needed anything, the genie bought it for them. So they had no want any more and Aladin lived happily with his mother.


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