Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Farmer and the Magic Goose

9:27 PM |

Once upon a time, there lived a poor farmer named Abul Mia. He lived in a village. He grew vegetables and sold them in the market. But the money he got was not enough. One day he bought a goose. He thought, ‘‘I’ ll sell eggs and earn some money. Then with that money, I’ ll buy some more geese. I can earn more money by selling more eggs’’. He  kept the goose inside his room . It was a magic goose. Next morning, Abul Mia saw a gold egg beside
the goose. He was very happy. ‘‘I don’t have to worry any more. Now I can buy enough food for all of us.’’ From the on everyday the goose laid a gold egg. Abul Mia sold it in the market at a good price. Soon he became rich. He bought a big house. He lived there with his wife and children. They had good food to eat. They had fine clothes to wear.
But Abul Mia was not happy. He became very greedy.He wanted to live in a place like a king. He wanted to be very rich. He thought and thought. Then an idea came into his head. He said to himself, ‘If I kill the goose, I will get all the eggs at a time. I don’t have to wait for an egg every morning.  I’ ll sell all the eggs and become very rich.’’
One morning, Abul Mia killed the magic goose. He cut the belly open. There were no eggs inside. Abul Mia went mad with grief. He hit his forehead with his hand and said, ‘What have I done! What have I done! The goose is dead and there will be no more gold eggs. I’ ll be poor again!
Moral: Grasp all lose all.


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