Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Live Alon

9:37 PM |

A long time ago in a small village near the jungle, there lived a young man called Ruplal. He lived with his family and worked on a farm, but there were a lot of problems.
The village people were always quarrelling, so there was no peace. I’ ll wither have to go and live and alone in the jungle, or I’ II go completely mad!’’ Ruplal exclaimed. ‘‘I don’t want to stay here one more day!’’ So he colleted his things and went to live by himself in the jungle.

Ruplal made a nice little but for himself in the jungle with wood, bamboo and reeds. There he lived in peace and quiet all by himself. ‘‘Oh ! How happy I am now, he thought to himself. Then one day after a few weeks, he discovered something strange. In his blanket there was a hole, ‘‘Who made this hole ?’’ Ruplal asked. He looked around him, but nobody reolied. ‘‘I don’t understand .There’s either somebody here, or the hole just made itself!’’
That night, while Ruplal was sleeping he heard a noise. Either someone or something was cating his blanket. ‘‘Who’s that !’’ Ruplal shouted. ‘‘Go away and leave me alone!’’ Outside the moon was shining brightly and Ruplal saw something small. It was a mouse. ‘‘Right’’ he thought. ‘‘I’ll bring my cat here. Then ‘‘I’ll be able to sleep in peace!’’
Now Ruplal was very busy in the jungle. He had to build a larger hut and he had to cook more food for his younger brother.He also had to look after his hut cat and younger brother.
‘‘I came here to find peace and quiet, but now I have so many responsibilities , Ruplal complained to his younger brother. ‘‘Why don’t you share your responsibilities with someone ?’’ his younger brother suggested. ‘‘You should go back to our village and find a wife’’ ‘‘I agree,’’ said Ruplal , I already have three companions. Why not have four ?’’
So Ruplal and his younger brother returned to their village and Ruplal spoke to his parents. ‘‘Why did you go and live in the jungle, Ruplal ?’’ his mother asked him. ‘‘I wanted to live alone, mother,’’ Ruplal replied, ‘‘But you aren’t living alone, ‘‘his father said. ‘‘Your younger brother is living with you, and if you take a wife, you’ll have children. Am I right, Ruplal ?’’ ‘‘Yes, father, you are’’ Ruplal replied. ‘‘Well , if you can’t live alone in the jungle, you should come back your family, Ruplal,’’ said his mother. ‘‘Accept your responsibilities. Don’t run away from them. Come and share them with us.’’ ‘‘Thank you, mother. Your right.’’ said Ruplal.
So Ruplal returend to the jungle, collected his cat and cow , and went back to live in his village. ‘‘I’ ve learnt a good lesson, ‘‘he told his family. Living here wasn’t easy for me, but living alone  is even more diffcult!’’


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