Sunday, December 11, 2011

Science in everyday in life

9:45 PM |

Science has changed the world and made it a global village.It has changed our life and way if living.We cannot do without science even for a few moments.
The invention and introduction of electricity has changed man's lifestyle.We cannot think of modern life without electricity.
We see thousands machines that make our lives easier and comfortable.Every home has some form of machine or other.Many hard working tasks like washing cloths and grinding are done easily by machines.
Educational technology has improved by leaps  and bounds over the last few decades.The computer is being used in schools.Children can be taught almost anything through computers.
People know that science has helped man to conquer time and space.We have supersonic planes and will soon have more speedy planes.Satellite communication has improved much.Communication through cellular and mobile telephones,e-mail,fax ,etc are really surprising.Satellites have also helped us to use dish and cable TV.
Science has helped us to fight against diseases.Many diseases which were fatal in the past,has become curable.The invention of various machines has been a great help to the doctors to fine out the disease and to cure it.
Science has changed our agriculture .Tractors,power-tillers,water pumps,seed drills ,theshing machines,etc are being used in the village.People use small engines of their shallow machine to drive their boats.
Sciwnce is not,however ,an unmixed blessing.Sometimes it brings misery to many.But science it self is not liable for it.If we misuse it,we are to blame.
Science has been of the greatest help in our daily life .We owe to science in the affairs of our daily life.


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