Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wonders of Modern Science

2:22 PM |

In the days long gone by man had to live constantly struggling against the forces if nature. With the advancement and modernisation  of human civilization science has worked wonders.With its help men have been trying to trance nature and utilize it to the need and facilities of life .In its rapid progress science is creating one wonder after another.
The discovery of power of power called electricity may be mentioned as the first wonder of modem science.It has brought about a massive change in human society.Electronic and electric things like radio, television, electric iron,lights ,fans, refrigerators, photocopiers ,etc work through the power of electricity. 
Gifts of science have brought an epoch-making change in the communication system.Invention of telephone,telegram, telex, fax,wireless,etc have brought the world closer to us.We can send our message from one place to another through electronic waves.These make quick communication possible.
Television is one of the wonderful inventions of modern science.It serves the functions of both hearing and watching . Science has discovered it for our reaction We can see the picture of persons,things and can hear their voice on the screen of television.Besides television we have radio,tape-recorder,gramo-phone,cinema,V.C.P,V.C.R,V.C.D,etc for our recreation. We can hear songs and music and enjoy drama,debate,recitation,dance.etc.
 Computer is the greatest contribution of modern science.Its invention has brought an epoch-making change in the education field.It has blown out the complexities of our calculation.All are possible to do with the help of computer.
It is possible to fight diseases and remove human sufferings by using scientific in medical science.Scientists invent drugs to cure diseases.Doctors use the proper medicine to cure several diseases.Microscope ,X-ray, etc scientific instruments are used to determine diseases.
Science makes our agriculture rich.More food is possible to grow with the help us to check various kinds of insects which are harmful for our crops.
The remarkable gifts of science have made our life comfortable and enjoyable. Science has made it possible today that was impossible yesterday.Science serves us in every space of our worldly life.


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