Sunday, December 11, 2011

Floods in Bangladesh

10:58 PM |

The flood is a familiar annual feature to the people of riverine countries.It is a great misfortune to the people of Bangladesh.Almost every year the people of Bangladesh meet this natural calamity.The flood is a sudden increase if water.During the rainy season,When it rains heavily,water of the rivers rises very high.Then water overflows the bank of rivers and canals and submerges roads and high ways.This unusual rises of water is called the flood.
There are many causes of floods.Mainly heavy rainfall causes floods .When there are heavy showers of rain our rivers and canals cannot hold all water .As a result,there is a sudden increase of water in the rivers and canals.Water overflows their banks and causes floods.Floods may also be caused by cycline,melting of snow on mountains,tidal bores and heavy rush of water from the mountains through the rivers to the ocean.
Bangladesh is a riverine country.Floods visit out country almost every year .Floods that happened in the year of 1954,1960,1970,1974,1987,1988,1991,1998 and 2004 were formidable these floods caused much damage to properties,houses ,trees, and standing crops.It made an unmeasurable suffering to the people and cattle .Floods of 88' 91' 98 and 04 beggared description and attracted the eyes of the people of the whole world.
The flood is a great curse to the people .When a flood visits miseries of the people of the flood affected area know no bounds.It washes away houses ,cattle, the ripen crops and uproots trees .It submerges roads ,streets,desolate fields and dwelling houses.It makes a great number of people homeless and helpless .Communication system is disconnected for floods .In fact,floods bring untold miseries to us.
After the flood weather of the affected area becomes rubbish.Rotten things are seen here.there and everywhere .They spread out bad smell.So various kinds of diseases like cholera,  dysentery,typhoid,etc.break out in an epedemic form.For want of pure drinking water  people much.Prices of all daily necessaries go beyond the buying capacity of the people.
The floods visit Bangladesh every year and causes a huge loss of the people .Proper steps should  be taken urgently for the prevention of floods .High dams should be constructed on the banks of the rivers.
Shallow rivers and brooks should be re-excavated .For the easy passing of excess water in the rainy season many suice gates should be made.Deforestation should be banned in rich countries for prevention of floods.
The floods offers some blessings to the people .It washes away dirty things from our environment .During floods water carries a great deal of silt and silt piles up on Iands .So lands become fertile and grow more crops.Floods also maintain an ecological balance in the country.
In spite of some advantages the flood is nothing but a curse to the people of our Bangladesh.For our proper and fast development we have to prevent floods.


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