Monday, December 12, 2011

An Honest Poor Man

9:15 PM |

Once upon a time there lived a poor man called Suruj Ali.He was an honest ,hard working man and looked after large mango orchard.The owner of the orchard,Hamidur Rahman,was a very rich man.

one day some of Hamidur Rahman's friends came to visit him.It was during the summer season when the mangoes were ripe .So Hanidur Rahman asked Suruj Ali to pick some of the ripe mangoes and give them to his friends.
Suruj Ali went to the orchard and carefully picked some nice large mangoes.Then he gave them to his master.When Hamidur Rahman and his friends started eating them.Hamidur Rahman said,''These mangoes don't taste sweet .They're sour! How can we eat them?''So he called Suruj Ali back and asked him to take the sour mangoes away and bring some sweet ones from his orchard.

When Surj Ali kcew that the mangoes were sour,he took them away quickly .Then he rushed into the mango orchard and picked some fresh ones . ''These ones look good,''he said to himself.Then he brought them to his master and went away.

After a few minutes ,however,Suruj Ali heard his master shouting,So he rushed back.''Whats the matter,sir?'' he asked."Three years ,sir,''Suruj Ali replied.''Three years and you still don't know which mangoes are sweet and which ones are sour!''Hamidur Rahman exclaimed .''I fell ashamed of you!''

''How can I know which mangoes are sweet and which are sour,sir?''asked Suruj Ali.''You told me to look after yout mangoes.You didn't tekk me to eat them.'' ''Suruj Ali, you're right,''said Hamidur Rahman . I admire your honesty and I'am proud of you .Such honesty must certainly be rewarded.Here take this gold coin.'' ''Thank you,sir''said Suruj Ali.


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