Monday, December 12, 2011

Charity of Hazrat Osman (R)

10:16 PM |

One day a stranger came to Hazrat Mohammad (Sm). He prayed for some money.The Prophet (Sm) did mot have much money with him. So he gave him a small amount that  was in his pocket.The stranger did not become satisfied with that small amount.So he demand more to the ProPhet ,The ruler of Mecca and Medina.He wished to have a good amount of money.However the Prophet mentioned the name of one of his Sahabas and told him to go to him in the evening. Taking the address the stranger went to the house of the mentioned Sahaba if the Prophet .

Knocking at the door he called the owner of the house.The Sahaba was a trader.Hearing the call of the stranger ,He stopped his work ,put out the lamp and came out .But the Sahaba did not find the stranger any where .The next day the stranger went to the Prophet(Sm) and said ,said ,'' Why did you send me to that man? He put out the lamp when he heard my call. What kind of help did he do for me? ''The Prophet told the stranger to go to him and to meet again.The next evening,the same thing happened. On the third day the stranger went to the Prophet .He asked him why the Prophet sent him again and again to that miser.The stranger described him that when he had gone to his house , he heard the miser rebuking his servants.Because they had made thick wicks for the lamp and more oil was being burnt for that reason.So he became bored.He thought that he could not expect anything from such a miser.The Prophet said ,''Oh stranger! Remember ,economy and charity are different things.Go and you must meet him this evening.''
The strange met the owner of the house that time.The owner of the house said to him,''You came here twice and called me.'' He asked him why he had gone away without telling him anything .The owner of the house gave him a letter to the leader of a caravan of merchants at Nurhill.Next evening the stranger handed over the letter to the leader of the caravan.The leader gave him a camel with a bag of gold on its back . The stranger was astonished.When he was going with the camel, the other camels also followed it.The leader of the caravan could not stop them. The leader told his master everything .His master said,''As Allah wills so,give the stranger all the camels .''There were forty camels loaded with different kinds of valuable articles. This charitable person was none but the third Caliph of Islam Hazrat Osman (R)  


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