Saturday, November 26, 2011


7:10 PM |

The problem of arsenic has taken a serious from in Bangladsh.It has been so severe  a problem its solution has been a national issue nowadays.Arsenic is a silent killer. This killing element is the source of arsenicosis.Arsenicosis is a kind of disease caused by arsenic poisoning .Arsenic is found in the underground water.In Bangladesh thousands of people are suffering from arsenicosis.It is being caused by drinking tube-well water containing arsenic. People of  most the 15 districts have been victims to this problem. poisoning by arsenic is a slow process. People affected by arsenicosis show various symptoms. They suffer from various skin diseases.Black spots are seen on the skin of the sufferer.Long term poisoning even causes death. The main treatment for people suffering from arsenicosis is the drink water from a source that contains no arsenic Besides, vitamins A,C and E are effective for treatment of arsenicosis.The affrcted people should have a balanced diet and a lot of vegetables regularly. Since arsenic gets into body with drinking water ,drinking arsenic free water is the best remedy to this problem . Surfase water of ponds and rivers is a potentail source of arsenic free water,but they need to be tested. It has been suggested that the majority of the tube-wells in Bangladesh are free from arsenic.the public health Engineering Department is taking steps to keep people away from arsenic. The tube-wells which have been found safe after the test are painted green and unsafe tube-wells are painted red.Rain water is also free from arsenic. Government along with all conscious people should come forward to solve this problem.Awareness among people should be roused to solve this problem.


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