Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Evil of Smoking

9:00 PM |

Smoking is a habit, undoubtedly a bad habit.Every body, even the smokers, know that it is injurious to health. Even though, people smoke and do much harm to themselves , as well as to innocent non-smokers. These none- smokers,termed passive smokers, inhale smoke from others smoking and fall victim to various fatal diseases.
The evil of smoking is a burning question all over the world.Recent research has shown that smokers and even passive smokers are prone to cancer. In addition to the dreadful disease ,there are several other lung diseases that smokers - both direct and indirect - are prone to. Doctors say there are  16 cancer producing substances in cigarettes.
Many countries , especially progressive countries have taken steps to discourage smoking. One of these is there are many areas in which smoking is prohibited. This includes roads , public transports like buses and trains restaurants ,offices,cinema ,halls,liffts etc. A good sum of fines are imposed on those who violate the rules.
they have also imposed ban on cigarette advertisements. They are encouraging anti-smoking movements and activities. Flowing the measures of progressive countries our government also passed a law against open smoking and impose a bar on cigarette advertisements. It was a very good and praiseworthy step. But if we look at the open places, we can see numerous smokers smoking without caring anyone . In a bus often the driver and his stuff a are seen smoking. They little care about the law or the protest of the non-smoking passengers. So the law-enforcing authorities should ensure the implementation of the law.
The smokers should realise the vil effect of smoking on their health. If they want to kill themselves, they can do it, but they cannot do any harm to their near and dear ones. They have no right to create troubles for innocent non smokers and make them victims of smoking. If the smokers are determined, they can give up smoking. We need social awareness movements to make our people conscious of the evil of smoking.


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