Saturday, November 26, 2011

Our National Flag ( Bangladesh )

1:59 PM |

A national flag is the symbol of an independent nation.Every independent count[phery has its national flag.It symbolises the country's independence and sovereignty.Every citizen of the country feels proud of the national flag.It seems to be ascred duty to regard  the national flag which expresses one's sense of patriotism and feeling for the people. Bangladesh is an independent country. It become independent in 1971 after a bloody war agains Pakistani military forces. We had to sacrifce a lot to achieve our independence. Millions of people were killed in the war. Many people leave their houses and become homeless and helpless.The sorrows and sufferings of the people were beyond description.Our national flag symbolises this sacrifice with its colour.
Our national flag is a piece of rectangrlar green cloth having a blood - red sun in the middle.The ratio of the length and breadth of it is 10:6 and the radius of the red circle is one fifth of the length.
The green colour of the flag symbolises the ever-lasting youth, freshness vigour and peace of our nation. It stands for the green landscape of our country. The blood red sun in the middle of the flag bears the memory of the millions of martyrs who laid down their lives during the war of independence.The sun in the flag is also a light of hope for us. As darkness disappears after the emergence of the sun,we hope that darkness of our national life will disapears after our independence.We will be able to reach our goal of democracy and economic emancipation .
We most our national flag on all our national days. At schools, colleges and other educational institutions the national flag is hoisted during the working hours. It is kept half mast on mournful  days like the International Mother Language Day.It is kept half mast,to show our respect to the martyrs of the day who sacrificed their valuable lives for the people and their rights.It is also kept half mast after a remarkable tragic incident , on the decision of the government.
Our national flag is the greatest achievement for us.It is our sacred duty to preserve its honour at any cost.We can uphold its honour by doing our duties sincerely and trying our best to secure Bangladesh an honourable place among the nations of the wold.


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