Saturday, November 26, 2011

International relations THE SAARC

10:16 AM |

SSARC is the abbreviation of South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation. It is a voluntary Association of the seven countries of South Asia.They are Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,Nepal, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka. It is the Association of hopes and aspirations of nearly 1,000 million people of this region.Its main aim is to fight against proberty and to work in co-operation in different sector.
Bangladesh took the initiative to from this  association in 1977. Our late President Ziaur Rahman visited Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka in 1977-80,for the same purpose. Then there were a number of meeting and conferences among the heads of the seven states until it was set up in 1985.
The final achievement of defferent eforts taken by Bangladesh was the first summit meeting in Dhaka on 7-8 December in 1985.This summit conference was inaugurated by Lt. Genaral Hossain Mohammad Ershad ,the former President of this conference the heads of the seven states adopted a 14-point declaration which is called the historic  ' Dhaka Declaration' .It was also decided that Hossain Mohammad Ershad would work as the first chairman till its second summit in New Delhi.
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,Nepal, Pakistan and Sri-Lanka are the seven states of South Asia.
Bangladesh ,India and Pakistan were one country untill 1947.Nepal and Bhutan lie very close to these there countries.They are many similarities among these seven countries in their people and there soci-economic condition.Again, they are defferent from each other in size, population, resources, level of development and form of government.
Seven neighbouring countries are associated through SAARC so that they can co-operative with one another
defferent sectors,they can co-operative in khe fields of trade and commerce,agriculture, and tecnology and exchange of knowledge. They can work together to improve their standard of living.
SAARC is anew name in international relations.It is formed to remove illiteracy, proverty and conflict with the help of our neighbouring countries.We hope that SAARC will be free from all defects ,and it can ensure progress and prosperity and a better life for all.


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