Monday, November 28, 2011

Acid Throwing

10:24 AM |

Acid throwing means throwing acids on women especially on unmarried young women by young men folk; perverted in nature.The incident of acid throwing have increased at an alarming rate in the village.Many innocent young woman become victims of it and they have to live in untold physical, mental and social suffering.
Acids are liquid chemicals which can often destroy things they touch. Some acids burn holes in wood and some acids are used to melt metals. Some acids are used in making medicines and ornaments . When it is thrown on beautiful faces of innocent young women, it causes horrible harm to their shin. The victims have to live with disfigured appearance.
We do not like to admit that the person who throws acids is a human being. In fact he is worse than an animal. He is devoid of any human quality. He may have a sister like the victim,but he does not have a sense to think of it.He becomes so envious and revengeful that he forgets everything.
We must find out a way to save our innocent rural girls from acid throwing. Our rural young men folk must realise that it is a hateful crime. They must admit that a young woman has the right to accept or reject some one's love proposal . They should not be revengeful if they fail in love affair. Acid throwing us not a heroic deed, it is heinous and cowardice. A man who does it has no right to live.He must be sentenced to capital punishment.
It is a matter of hope that our government has already taken strict throwing .A hill has been passed that acid-throwers shall be sentenced to death and the trial will have to be completed within ninety days.The government has also passed laws against acid selling and  carrying .Many socio-cultural organisations are working to create social awareness among people against acid throwing. Some organisations are even working for the acid-victims.Our law-enforcing agencies should be more active against this hateful crime.If the criminals get capital punishment, the crime will automatically be reduced. We must admit that many of our people lack proper education in the village. So steps should be taken to make all of our people educated and conscious.
The news of acid throwing make us sorry. The increasing number of incidents are disgraceful to the nation. For the sake of our national prestige we must stop this crime anyhow.


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