Monday, November 28, 2011

The International Mother Language Day

3:12 PM |

The language Movement is a historical and heroic movement of brave young people.After the emergence of Pakistan, people of then East Pakistan thought that they would be able to enjoy freedom. But from the very beginning the Pakistani rulers began to treat our country as their colony.They made an evil plan to destroy our language and culture.They declared Urdu as the the only state language of Pakistan.Our conscious people especially students protested against the declaration.Rafiq, Salam, Barkat, Zabbar had to sacrifice their lives on the 21st February.1952 mear Medical College where the Central Shahid Minar lies.The movement became successful and Bangla was declared as one of the state language of Pakistan.
The Language Movement is a significant  event in our national life.It was a matter of awareness for our people.It was in fact an attack and conspiracy against our culture and tradition.
The Language Movement was the first protest against Pakistani rule. People could realise that they needed an independent country to enjoy freedom.The Movement was an inspiration to the later democratic movements.It even influenced our Liberation War of 1971. So we regard  21 February as a heroic event of our history. The day had been observed in a befitting manner as a Shahid Day until 1999. After a long period of 47 years ,the fight of the  Banglaless for th language had been ratified by the UNESCO of the UNO.On the 17 November ,1999,The International Mother Language Day was declared and throughout the world it had been observed on the 21 February,2000. It is an important day for the Bangalees as it dignifies the national ego and status of both the country as well as the nation.It discloses the heroic history of our nation before the world people.We had gone a long way in the field of diplomacy for the time of this international declaration. 
It is a red-letter day for us.What we have to do is that we must try to enrich our mother tongue and use it wherever it is possible.We must try to work hard to make our independence meaningful. It is a must for all of us to observe this day in a very befittting manner because it enlivens our heart and soul.It inspired us to reach the goal of success. We really feel proud of the day.


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