Rice is a kind of corn. It is a well-known corn in our country.It is people's main food. It is an annual grass. We live on it.
Generally moist climate and specially hot and moist climate is suitable for its better growth. For growing more rice heavy rainfall is necessary.The climate of our country is so suitable for the growth of rice that it grows here in plenty.Rice grows well in hot countries.Our farmers produce much rice in our country.
Rice grows well in India,Pakistan,China,Myanmar,Japan,and some other hot countries of the world.Rice requires plain lands for its growth.The land which goes under water in the rainy season can produce large quantity of rice.Most soil is better for its better production.
For better cultivation of rice farmers have to plough the land well.Farmers plough their lands several times harrow them well.Then the lands are prepared finally for its cultivation they sow seeds.Aus is sown in Baisakh and within a short period it is harvested in Sraban and Bhadra.Amon is sown in Ashar and reaped in Poush and Magh.Boro is cultivated in Poush and cut in Chaitra Baishakh.The high yielding rice is cultivated throughout the year.Withinfour months rice ripens Ripe paddy is golden in colour.Then these are ripen and brought home.Then grains are separated from the stalks.Thus fresh paddy is got.From we we get rice - The Sidda and the Atop.
There are mainly four types of rice in Bangladesh.These are the Aus,the Amon,the Boro and the high-yielding rice.
After sowing seeds on lands little plants come out within three or four days.When the plants grow up the field is weeded and manured several times.The plant grows two or the feet high.When plants grow up in their full size the stalks of the paddy come out.
There are many uses of rice in our Bangladesh.We have on boiled rice called bhat.Different kinds of cakes are made from rice . polao,Khichuri,Payesh, and many other tasteful foods are also made of rice.
Straws of paddy are used as fodder for our cattle and as fuel.To make paper we use straws and many other things.Straws are used for roofing houses. Rice is the most popular crop of Bangladesh.It is our main food .But the production of rice in our country is not sufficient to meet our demand.So to meet the demand of our people as well as for the interest of national income we should grow more rice.
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