Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Coumputer

8:48 PM |

The computer is one of the wonderful invention in the world.It is a machine which can perform complicated work in a second.We can use it in every field of human activity.It is a greet blessing of modern science.
Mankind had to wait for a long time to get this useful machine.First of all the theory of ''Digital Calculating System'' was invented by Pascal in 1642.His theory paved the way for the invention of the computer. In  1937 Mr Haward Akin,an American scientist invented that could do difficult sums.This is considered the first step of computers.

After that have been trying hard to improve the quality of computers.Now we  have got computers which can perform unbelievable tasks.
The computer does  complicated work therefore its functions are also complicated. It receives data,produces data and emits data.These  functions are done by giving the computer a programme consisting of a sequence of statements.
Every computer has is own language.It understands only this language. So instructions to the computer must be given in this language .Generally English is used as the principal language of computers.
Computers are perhaps the most useful machine for modern people. They serve us in many ways.They are being used in agriculture, education, communication, printing, translating,industry, hospitals and clinics and even in recreation.
The use of computers in Bangladesh has increased but yet the use very limited. It proves that we cannot keep pace with the modern world.A nation's development can be measured with the use of computers. So we have to realise it and we should try to use more and more computers to change our life and develop our country.


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