Tuesday, November 29, 2011


3:12 PM |

Jute is the main cash-crop of Bangladesh. It is a kind of fibre.It is derived from a kind of plant named jute plant.It is golden in colour.It also bring us foreign currency.So,it is called the golden fibre of Bangladesh.
Hot but moist climate is suitable for growing jute.So, it is mainly grown in Bangladesh.About three fourths of the world production of jute is grown in Bangladesh.It also grows in India, Thailand, China, Philipines, and Brazil.It grows very well in low land.
There are two kinds of jute in Bangladesh. They are i) Deshi and ii)tusa. The production of Tusa is better than Deshi.
Jute grows well in low land. Farmers plough the land very well and sow the seeds in the month of Falgoon and Chaitra after the monsoon rain. Plants come out in a few days.When they grow up to one or two feet, the fields are weeded. When the plants are grown up,they are cut down in the month of Sraban or Bhadra.
The cultivators cut mature jute plants, tue into bundles and put them under water for about three weeks.When they are rotten, the fibres are separated from the stalk.Then they are washed in clean water and dried in the sun.Thus jute is ready for sale.
The farmers take the jute and tie up bundles to sell in the market. They sell them to the village fariahs.The fariahs sell them to the jute firms. Then the firms ship them to the foreign countries.The main profit of jute business is gone to the village fariahs or to the middlemen.
Jute is useful thing. It is used to make ropes,carpets,gunny bags,mats and paper. The stalks are used as fuel and fencing. One kind of cloth named 'Jutton' is also made of jute. Jute stalk is used in making partex board.Jute leaves are agood vegetable as well.
By exporting jute to the foreign countries Bangladesh earns a lot of money.So it is called the golden fiber of Bangladesh.The fashion bags and other handicrafts,made of jute are also exported to theforeign countries. As jute products are environmentally friendly, they have bright prospects all over the world.This is because modern people are aware of environment.
Jute is the main cash crop of Bangladesh. So more jute mills should be set up in our country to produce jute goods in large quantities. Bangladesh govermment should also try to make the condition of the jute farmers better.


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